
Meaning of SHIFT in Tamil


Use in sentences of மாற்றம்

    Meaning of SHIFT in English

    • To divide; to distribute; to apportion.
    • To change the place of; to move or remove from one place to another; as, to shift a burden from one shoulder to another; to shift the blame.
    • To change the position of; to alter the bearings of; to turn; as, to shift the helm or sails.
    • To exchange for another of the same class; to remove and to put some similar thing in its place; to change; as, to shift the clothes; to shift the scenes.
    • To change the clothing of; -- used reflexively.
    • To put off or out of the way by some expedient.
    • The act of shifting.
    • The act of putting one thing in the place of another, or of changing the place of a thing; change; substitution.
    • Something frequently shifted; especially, a woman's under-garment; a chemise.
    • The change of one set of workmen for another; hence, a spell, or turn, of work; also, a set of workmen who work in turn with other sets; as, a night shift.
    • In building, the extent, or arrangement, of the overlapping of plank, brick, stones, etc., that are placed in courses so as to break joints.
    • A breaking off and dislocation of a seam; a fault.
    • A change of the position of the hand on the finger board, in playing the violin.

    Antonyms of ‘மாற்றம்

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