
Meaning of உரையாடல் in Tamil

  • உரையாடல்

English usage of உரையாடல்

  • the kids chattered and splashed at the edge of the lagoon
  • the kids chattered and splashed at the edge of the lagoon
  • the kids chattered and splashed at the edge of the lagoon
  • many ladies are conversant with the merits of drill-eyed needles
  • the two men were deep in conversation
  • his tone was casual and conversational
  • Their next meeting, at a conversazione , in April 1817, was much more the thing: within two days they had consummated their love in one of Byron's ‘casinos’.
  • Their next meeting, at a conversazione , in April 1817, was much more the thing: within two days they had consummated their love in one of Byron's ‘casinos’.
  • he fell in beside her and they began to converse amicably
  • he fell in beside her and they began to converse amicably
  • We have learned from observing our own practice and the work of others either directly or through the literature that the first task is the opening of a dialogic space.
  • My concept of intertextuality thus goes back to Bakhtin's dialogism and Barthes' text theory.
  • the book consisted of a series of dialogues
  • he stated that he wasn't going to dialogue with the guerrillas
  • he stated that he wasn't going to dialogue with the guerrillas

Antonyms of ‘உரையாடல்

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