
Meaning of குற்றவாளிகள் in Tamil

  • குற்றவாளிகள்

English usage of குற்றவாளிகள்

  • the theives were convicted of the robbery
  • these men are dangerous criminals
  • the celebrity crimper has built up such a loyal following
  • Old World sparrows are small to medium sized, stocky birds with a short bill with a decurved culmen and short legs.
  • The culprits behaved like seasoned thugs but claimed that they were guardians of law and order.
  • young delinquents
  • Such force was justifiable against 'felons', and a thief was a felon if he had two previous convictions.
  • Celeste had been guilted into going by her parents
  • he refused to answer questions in order not to incriminate himself
  • Four hundred years ago today, in 1605, the Gunpowder Plot was averted, miscreants brought to the fearsome justice of the age and a massive disruption to English history avoided.
  • an institution for juvenile offenders
  • the perpetrators of this horrific crime must be brought to justice

Antonyms of ‘குற்றவாளிகள்

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