
Meaning of தண்டனை in Tamil

  • தண்டனை

English usage of தண்டனை

  • the director was somewhat chastened by his recent flops
  • he chastised his colleagues for their laziness
  • the impunity enjoyed by military officers implicated in civilian killings
  • The first places stress either on the penult of the stem (orIGin-al, with source ORigin; VIRgin-al and proFESSion-al already have the stress on this syllable in the source), or on the final syllable (diaLECTal, with source DIalect).
  • crime demands just punishment
  • he called for punitive measures against the Eastern bloc
  • ten army officers were sentenced to death
  • ten army officers were sentenced to death
  • ten army officers were sentenced to death

Antonyms of ‘தண்டனை

Articles Related to ‘தண்டனை

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