
Meaning of மேலும் in Tamil

  • மேலும்

English usage of மேலும்

  • dyslexia, also known as word blindness
  • they eked out their livelihoods from the soil
  • the EU seems to have moved further away from the original aims
  • he had depended on using them to further his own career
  • the furthermost corners of her memory
  • this species has a quiet charm and, furthermore, is an easy garden plant
  • he had depended on using them to further his own career
  • he had depended on using them to further his own career
  • I poured myself more coffee
  • The couple covered the seats with mid-eighteenth-century English wool moreen .
  • morello cherries
  • moreover, glass is electrically insulating
  • three Moresque plates showing views of the synagogue at Toledo
  • an offense against social mores

Antonyms of ‘மேலும்

Articles Related to ‘மேலும்

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